Calaveras Democrats
Who We Are, What We Do
The Calaveras County Democrats (CCD) are a dynamic organization of citizen activists who are dedicated to making a positive difference in our local community and beyond! We “Think Globally and Act Locally” to help create a more sustainable and equitable society that benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.
Formally known as the ‘Calaveras County Democratic Central Committee’ (CCDCC), we are the officially chartered County arm of the California Democratic Party. One of 58 Central Committees in the State of California, we are allocated 21 voting members (based on number of Democratic votes cast for Governor in the County in the last election) but also allow an unlimited number of “Associate Members” who can participate in all facets of operations except for official votes.
We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm. Our meetings are open to the public and held by ZOOM and/or in person at the Calaveras County Library in San Andreas. All are welcome to attend. Join our mailing list to receive updates and monthly meeting invitations and agendas.
- Support progressive candidates for local, State and Federal offices;
- Educate our members and the public on topical social, economic and political issues;
- Engage in our community by volunteering with local non-profit organizations and serving on local Boards, Commissions, and in elected office.
- Encourage fellowship through monthly in-person and/or ZOOM membership meetings, and fun social gatherings throughout the year to promote engagement, networking, and friendship.
We raise money for candidates and causes, phonebank and/or ‘text’ bank for selected campaigns, register new voters, write letters and postcards, walk precincts and knock doors, publish letters to the editor, ‘table’ at local street fairs and events, collect petition signatures, march in parades, and actively engage on social and traditional media to inform, educate and inspire!
We work locally, regionally and/or nationally, wherever we see a need and have committee members interested in getting involved! Primarily, we engage on local issues important to the residents of Calaveras County, and work to support candidates for local office (Board of Supervisors, School Boards, County elected positions), however our members frequently involve themselves in California state or federal campaigns (State Assembly, State Senate or Congress), or even support progressive candidates or social justice initiatives in other states, through National advocacy groups and organizations.
We are a diverse, open-minded group of individuals who fervently seek to act with moral responsibility, personal and public integrity, and human compassion. We are bound by some common values and beliefs:
- We believe in the core Constitutional principle that all ‘men’ (i.e. humans) are created equal, and deserve equal protection and rights under the law, regardless of race, gender, financial status, age, religion or sexual orientation.
- We support the Rule of Law and believe that nobody – not even former Presidents – is above the law.
- We believe in an open, honest, and straightforward government that protects our rights, and provides security from threats both foreign and domestic.
- We believe that the people that serve us by providing that security- the Armed Forces, law enforcement personnel, firemen and all other public servants, deserve our country’s respect and should be provided the best equipment available and be paid a fair and honest wage
- We believe in an open and honest press that is not unduly influenced by the government or special interests.
- We believe that all Americans should have access to health care, education, housing and other basic necessities of life.
- We believe that the government should concern itself with public issues and leave issues of personal choice and bodily autonomy to each individual. We fervently support the right of all pregnant people to make their own reproductive health care choices and decisions, consistent with their personal religious and/or moral framework and values.
- We believe that we should be good stewards of our land. Clean air, clean water, healthy forests and diverse wildlife are resources we value and will work to protect.
- We believe that we must repair, rebuild, reclaim, and clean up the land, rivers, seas and air, in cooperation with nations around the world.
- We believe in the defense of our country, but that war is always a last resort and should be waged only after honest attempts at diplomatic reconciliation.
Does this sound like you?
Join us!
Start by signing up for our mailing list to receive our monthly newsletter and meeting reminders. Attend our monthly meetings (either in person or online via ZOOM) to get to know us, hear about what we are up to, and listen to interesting and engaging speakers. And consider participating in one of our many volunteer opportunities throughout the year or on a committee to help us with our communications, fundraising and political action activities. All are welcome, as long as you share the values of the Democratic Party and want to make a positive difference in the world!