Calaveras Democrats
Voter Resources
Your Vote is Your Voice! And Your Voice Matters!
Next Election: California Primary, March 5, 2024.
- Are a citizen of the United States
- Are a resident of California
- Are a resident of Calaveras County
- Are not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony
- Are at least 18 years of age on the date of the election
- Have not been determined mentally incompetent

If you are not sure if or where you are registered to vote, or need to verify contact information, you can check your status here:]
Or call the County Elections Office at (209) 754-6376
If you are not currently registered to vote in Calaveras County, have recently moved, changed your name or want to update your Party preference, you must submit a new voter registration application. Applications may be submitted in one of the following ways:
Register Online:
Register In-Person: Visit the Calaveras County Elections Office (County Clerk-Recorder) at 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249
Register by Mail: Pick up a Voter Registration form at one of the following locations
- Calaveras County Elections Office (County Clerk-Recorder)
- US Post Offices
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
Fill out the application completely, sign and return it by mail to the pre-printed address (either the Calaveras County Elections Office or CA Secretary of State). No postage is necessary.
Registration Deadline
You must be registered at least 15 days prior to an election to vote in that election. Once registered, you will remain on the rolls and be eligible to vote until you move out of the county or become ineligible. Failure to vote in an election does not make you ineligible.
Missed the registration deadline? California allows same-day voter registration. Contact the County Elections Office (209) 754-6376 for further information.
The California Voter’s Choice Act became law in 2016 and was enacted to make voting more convenient and accessible for all voters. With the Voter’s Choice Act, every registered voter in Calaveras County will receive a vote-by-mail ballot for every election. Each voter has
the option to return their ballot by mail, at a Vote Center, or ballot drop box location. Voters can also vote in person or receive assistance at any Vote Center in Calaveras County.
CLICK HERE for a list of Vote Centers and Drop Box locations for the upcoming March 5, 2024 Primary Election.
Voting is now easier and more convenient than ever! So, no excuses! Check your registration and then get out there and cast your vote in every election – our democracy depends on it!
You can find out if your mail-in ballot has arrived and been processed. Track your ballot with BallotTrax! Sign up here:
Have Questions or Want to Report Fraud?
Voter fraud is rare, and as we know it does not happen on a mass scale. However, if you suspect fraud on our elections has taken place, please report it at once.
Call the Secretary of State's Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683) or contact the Calaveras County Elections Office: