Calaveras Democrats

Our Values and Why

  • Promoting the “general welfare” of the people as written in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution
  • Equal protection of the civil rights of all persons in the United States irrespective of race, creed, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, abilities, or legal status
  • Fiercely protecting the right of all citizens to vote
  • A woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices
  • The strong defense of First Amendments rights and freedoms
  • Campaign finance reform including repealing “Citizens United”
  • Living wage for all Americans with equal pay for equal work
  • Safe working conditions
  • A fair tax system
  • Affordable housing
  • Investment in rural economic development, including low-cost broadband access
  • Strong oversight of high-risk financial markets
  • Safeguarding the Dodd-Frank statutes on consumer and bankruptcy protection
  • Medicare for all (single-payer)
  • An emphasis on preventative care
  • Investing in rural healthcare delivery
  • Expansion of local health clinics
  • Controlling drug cost
  • Free education for all (elementary/high/trade school, college)
  • Equity for all students in the quality of their education
  • Substantially greater investment in advanced technical education
  • Broadband access for all students
  • Restore civics as a high-school curriculum requirement
  • War should never be used, except as a last option
  • Pro-active policies for national cyber-defense
  • Giving our intelligence agencies the ability to offer independent assessments
  • Establishing independent oversight of defense technology investments
  • The Government has no right to interfere in anyone's healthcare decisions.  All healthcare decisions are sacred and a private matter between a citizen and their doctor
  • We believe that abortion is a very difficult decision and is nobody's business.  This decision is private and between a woman, her mate, and her doctor.
  • We believe that Governments should stay out of the doctor's office and bedroom
  • War should never be used, except as a last option
  • Pro-active policies for national cyber-defense
  • Giving our intelligence agencies the ability to offer independent assessments
  • Establishing independent oversight of defense technology investments
  • Public safety needs to be managed as a holistic system including law enforcement, fire suppression, medical response, and social services related to probation, parole, addiction, and mental health services
  • Establish a uniform medical response system for geographic areas
  • Expand neighborhood watch programs
  • First and foremost, we need everyone to believe that life is sacred and gun ownership is not.  No law should ever be passed that places guns above life.
  • The Second Amendment has been grossly misinterpreted.  A sane and true interpretation is badly needed and recognized by the Supreme Court, or it needs to be rewritten
  • Individuals do not need weapons of war.  Automatic and semi-automatic weapons should be banned and never owned by non-military individuals
  • Existing gun laws need to be modified to include, background checks, a waiting period, mandatory licensing, training, and insurance on all guns and gun owners.
  • Further, the indemnification of gun manufacturers needs to end through Congressional legislation.
  • War should never be used, except as a last option
  • Pro-active policies for national cyber-defense
  • Giving our intelligence agencies the ability to offer independent assessments
  • Establishing independent oversight of defense technology investments
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