Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 03-28-2023

Interesting meeting.  Quite a bit from Public Health (& worth reading!), the County’s weed spraying program, fire risk, and information waste disposal.  Oh, & go by the Library to see about checking out one of the passes for the state parks.  Read through Janet’s notes and watch the video for more information from the meeting.

bCalaveras County BOS Meeting – 03/28/23

Here’s the link for today’s video where you can watch the full meeting. As always, an excellent job Janet!


Staff Announcements

Lisa Medina – Environmental Management Agency Director – will be rolling out the cat and kitten foster program. Will present at the April 25th BOS Meeting. The program will address overcrowding and standard of care and reduce euthanasia. To increase adoption by a home environment and making them social. Need donations for the kitties and cats. See the website or call for further information.
• First free rabies clinic will be held on April 8 at the Government Center, 9 a.m. to noon, drive-through clinic. Open to Calaveras residents only. Any questions call 209-754-6744.

Nancy Giddeon – County Librarian – received an $80,000 grant from Friends of the Library. Have passes you can get into state parks for free. The grant will create a storybook for kids when they walk at the parks. Will also have backpacks with various items in them for use by the kids. Will add 30 books to our branches that relate to hiking. Will hire a part-time person to help with all the outside activities for the summer.

Winter Storm Update

5. Informational Item – OES (ID # 7238) Receive an update presentation from staff on the winter storms which began on or about December 29, 2022.

• John Osborne – Director of Emergency Services – the first storm was from late December into January. FEMA declaration disaster – had 451 applications submitted to FEMA. Completed scoping meetings for most projects.
• February and March storms – estimates are about $716,506.40; including seven county projects and management costs. Last Thursday, Cal OES and FEMA inspected our damage for public assistance, waiting to hear if Governor will declare a public disaster.

Recognition and Acknowledgments

6. Proclamation – Public Health Services (ID # 7112) Adopt a Proclamation declaring the week of April 3, 2023 through April 9, 2023 as Public Health Week, recognizing the fundamental role that Calaveras Health and Human Services – Public Health Division (CCPH) plays in the well-being of our community.

Supervisor Folendorf read the proclamation.
Colleen Rodriguez – Public Health Deputy Director – acknowledged the hard work their team does daily. We do everything from child passenger safety to mobile unit services, etc. Grateful for our collaboration with other county agencies and the schools. Will continue to respond to all emerging health issues. The open house is April 4th – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the public health department – all are welcome. Will be a tour and learn what we do.
Cori Allen – HHS Director – I have never seen a group pivot the way this group has done. They are doing so much for and with this community. Thank you so much.
Motion to approve proclamation – Passed – 5-0.

7. Proclamation – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7181) Adopt a Proclamation declaring the month of April 2023 Child Abuse Prevention “BE THE ONE” Month in Calaveras County.

• Supervisor Garamendi read the proclamation.
Robin Davis – First 5 Calaveras – provided BOS packet regarding status of children and what is happening for families in our counties. In April, have light of hope award and it is for people who have been the one for children. National Child Abuse Prevention month includes wearing
Motion to approve proclamation – Passed – 5-0.

General Public Comment

• None

Consent Agenda

8. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Jan 24, 2023, 8:00 AM

9. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Feb 14, 2023, 9:00 AM

10. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Special Meeting – Feb 24, 2023, 9:00 AM

11. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Feb 28, 2023, 9:00 AM

12. Agreement – Administrative Office (ID # 7222) Authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the third amended Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority

13. Action Item – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7185) Approve the Calaveras Child Care Council Membership as recommended by the Calaveras Child Care Council (CCCC).

14. Agreement – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7195) Authorize the Director of Health and Human Services to approve and/or sign automatic renewals to the Agreement with Relias, LLC., for training, licensing and accreditation software for the not to exceed amount to $75,000 for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027.

15. Action Item – First 5 Calaveras (ID # 7186) Approve Revisions to First 5 Calaveras Commission Bylaws.

16. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7187) 1) Accept the work of Viking Construction Company, Inc. for the construction of the Schadd Road over Forest Creek Bridge Project; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release all retained funds.

17. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7188) 1) Accept the work of George Reed, Inc. for the construction of the Road Resurfacing and Paving Program – Copperopolis Roads Project; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release all retained funds.

18. Resolution – Public Works (ID # 7211) Adopt a Resolution approving the 2023 Department of Public Works Capital Improvement Program.

19. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7171) Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 04 to the Agreement with The Gordian Group, Inc. for the provision of Job Order Contracting services extending the contract term through June 30, 2024 with a not to exceed amount of $1,000,000 and incorporating construction estimating services into the services provided.

20. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7177) 1) Adopt the plans and specifications for construction of the 2023 Paving Program for District 2 Roads, CSA 8, CSA 12, and Arnold Roads Projects; 2) Authorize the Director of Public Works to incorporate any final changes into the bid documents before advertising for bids; 3) Authorize the Department  of Public Works to solicit formal construction bids; and 4) Find exempt from CEQA.

21. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7178) 1) Award Invitation to Bid 22-2040-14-912 for construction of the Murphys Street Lighting Upgrade Project; and 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute a construction contract for the Downtown Murphys Street Lighting Upgrade Project with Tennyson Electric, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $494,755 with a term of 30 working days.

Motion to approve consent agenda items 8 – 21 – Passed – 5-0.

Regular Agenda

22. Informational Item – Agriculture (ID # 7217) Receive a presentation from the University of California Cooperative Extension staff.

JoLynn Miller – 4-H Youth Development – presented power point presentation. Please review for detailed information. Visit
Public Comment • None
Informational Item Only.

23. Action Item – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7184) Appointment of applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards, and County Service Areas.

• Parks & Rec Commission – Donna Viola and Kate Allen for D2. Supervisor Garamendi nominated Kate Allen.
• Mental Health and 2 on Park & Commission – only had one applicant.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5-0.

24. Informational Item – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7239) Receive a presentation about the State of Families in Calaveras County.

• Farrah Roberts Program Manager, Amador & Calaveras CASA – presented a PowerPoint presentation. Please review for detailed information. Vision – Every child should grow up safe, protected, and loved. Mission – to improve the well-being of all families in Calaveras County through safe and healthy relationships within homes, schools, and communities.
• Cost to Calaveras County – $33,700,000 in 2021. Send 4,040 children to preschool. Pay for 230 youth to receive a 4-year college education. Purchase 84.4 median-priced homes in Calaveras County. Cover 11% of the budget for Calaveras County.
• Cost breakdown – Healthcare – 31.2%; Lifetime Productivity – 39.8%; Criminal Justice – 2.3%; Education – 4.6%; Child Welfare – 22.1%.
• Want to move from a reactive system to a proactive system. Build a strong community to support families. Assist families before a crisis occurs. Utilize a trauma-informed, strength-based approach in programs and services. Promote awareness of community services so families have the knowledge to support each other. Make services and resources accessible to the entire community. Promote a holistic approach to services-everyone needs support.
• Social Determinants of Health – economic stability; neighborhood & physical environment; education; food; community & social context; health systems.
Public Comment – Please see the embedded .pdf file for notes.
Informational Item Only.

25. Informational Item – Public Works (ID # 7209) Receive an update on the Countywide Roadside Weed Spraying Program.

Emma Belle – Safety Specialist – transferred to our department last January from Dept of Agriculture. We received our new spray skid and implemented it for our 2023 spray program. Takes place from January through June and is dependent on the weather. Can’t use any herbicides that contain ?. We use a pest control advisor who provides us with a written recommendation on herbicides to be used. All herbicides are compliant.
Public Comment • None
Informational Item Only.

26. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7235) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a Letter of Opposition regarding AB 338 to Assembly Member Kalra.

• John Osborne – Director OES – AB 338 is in the legislature now, the crux would change the definition of what is public work and include fuel management type work. We have spent lots of money to remove the dead and dying trees. Recommend the BOS to send a letter to vote no. Most of our contractors for our tree mortality are local small businesses and passage of this bill would prevent them from working in the program.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5-0.

27. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7236) Approve a comment letter to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the Fire Hazard Severity Zones.

• Marcos Munoz – Assistant CAO – Cal Fire held town hall meetings on December 16 and January 26. Comments are being accepted until April 4th. Draft comment letter seeking approval from BOS. The letter includes changes to Calaveras residents including higher insurance rates for all residents. Also, to provide reduced insurance rates for mitigation work that has taken place.
Public Comment – Please see the embedded .pdf file for notes.
Motion to approve action item – Paste 5-0.

28. Agreement – Integrated Waste Management (ID # 7023) 1) Authorize filing of a CEQA Notice of Determination, and 2) authorize the Board Chair to sign Phase III Surface Impoundment and Phase III-A Expansion construction contract with Ford Construction Company, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9,575,520.

Jennifer Cashe – Director of integrated Management – Phase 3 will allow the county to provide responsible and economic waste disposal for 25 years plus. In December, received a request for a bid. Received three, recommends low bidder Ford Construction be awarded the contract. Contingencies are being set at 5% of the contract. Will be budgeted over two years.
Public Comment – Please see the embedded .pdf file for notes.
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5-0.

29. Action Item – County Counsel (ID # 7212) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance adding Chapter 9.25, Protection of Critical Infrastructure, to Title 9, Public Peace, Morals and Welfare, of the Calaveras County Code.

• Sarah Edwards – County Counsel – would add a new chapter to County Code. This ordinance would give county staff the ability to move debris, encampment, and property that is left on public property. The intention is to provide the county with additional tools to address activities regarding camping or encampments which may result in damage to public infrastructure, causing flooding or fire. The intention is not to criminalize homeless or sleeping outside. It gives the county a tool to deal with property that is causing danger or an issue.
Public Comment – Please see the embedded .pdf file for notes.
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5-0.

30. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7237) Adopt a Resolution approving the reappointment of Sarah Edwards to the position of County Counsel for a new period of four (4) years effective May 11, 2024 along with an increase in base salary effective April 8, 2023.

Please see the embedded .pdf file for notes.
Motion to approve Resolution – Passed 5-0.

Supervisor Announcements

• Supervisor Stopper – thank you Craig. Enjoy your time with your grandkids. Welcome, Ms. Hitchcock. I look forward to working with you in the future.

• Supervisor Huberty – attended the Central Sierra Child Support Agency meeting with Chair Tofanelli.

• Supervisor Folendorf – on Saturday, she attended CSA Diamond XX for a meeting on what that CSA wants to do next. They decided to be an advisory committee. Well attended and thanked Jacob Lile from Public Works who came out and helped me. Thank you Craig for helping us out and for your wife for allowing you to help us and commit to that time. I know it was a difficult time. Enjoy your second retirement.

• Chair Tofanelli – attended the LAFTCO meeting. Attended Central Sierra Child Agency meeting. Craig – thank you for your time with us, always answering our telephone calls even on the weekends. Enjoy your second retirement. Look forward to working with our new CAO.




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