Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 06-27-2023

The great news is that Janet’s back!  Lots of discussion in today’s meeting.  In the staff announcements, some interesting information.  Did you know that if your primary residence is here in Calaveras, you can get a fee adjustment (not a lot, but still…).  They are going to expand the Wellness Center in Valley Springs to be able to offer additional mental health options.  This is from a State grant, btw.

Extensive discussions regarding Items 33 (waste management) and 34 (events on the Niemuth property).  Did you know that the parcel fee increase for waste was the first one in 32 years?  Please read Janet’s notes and/or review the meeting video for additional information.  It will give you a real appreciation of why I am thankful that I’m not a supervisor.


Here’s the link for today’s video where you can watch the full meeting. As always, an excellent job Janet!

Chair Tofanelli – made two announcements:

  • If you are here regarding item #33, public hearing re IWM Prop 218, you still have the right to file a written protest until it comes to the BOS, it must be in writing so we can count them. You can still make comments here as well.
  • Items #31 and 32, we will be swamping the order. Item #32 will go before item #31 per request by Department Heads.

Staff Announcements:

• Lisa Medina – Environmental Management Agency Director – on June 10, County and FOCAS had a rabies and vaccine microchip clinic; 102 microchips, 177 vaccines. Next clinic Saturday, October 14, at Spence’s in Angels Camp. As of Tuesday, June 20, our animal shelter hours have changed to Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and allows us to be open during lunch. We have hired new staff to meet these needs. Hours are also posted on our website and media resources. Burn permits are suspended until further notice. Swim season is here and most public pools have been inspected.
• Larie Durham – Assessor – last Wednesday, June 21, we closed our annual assessment role for 2023. We had $9.5B assessed value, $761M over last year, 8.63% increase. Property owners, come see us if you have any questions re value of your property. If you are primary residents in county, you qualify for property homeowners tax exemption which is about $7,000 off of your assessed value and $70 off tax bill a year. Processed 2 years of escaped; completed over 6,300 new construction; continue to work on our backlog and it’s a challenge but becoming fully staffed we are hoping to shore up the backlog. Extremely proud of the staff for their hard work and dedication. We need to find a way to compensate our under compensated workers. Please consider looking into the salaries. If we don’t pay them comparable to other counties, we will lose them.

General Public Comment

• Randy Smart – CEO County Health Care District – I was here about 7 months ago asking for a letter of support for a construction grant from the state. You graciously provided that letter and it has been a long 7 months waiting from the state. Grant was for $3.3M to build facilities in county for behavioral health. State allocated $4.80M to cause but divided into regions. We fit into a category called the rest of California competing for $15M and included 23 counties. We were notified on Friday that we received the award for $3.3M to expand Valley Springs clinic another 1,600 feet, provide 10 new behavioral health providers. May start construction by the end of the year but there are some hurdles to overcome. If not, it will start early next year and open next summer or early Fall. I am here to thank you for the support.
Please review Janet’s notes and video for additional public comments.

Recognition and Acknowledgments

2. Proclamation – Environmental Management Agency (ID # 7355) Adopt a Proclamation recognizing Animal Services Department Volunteers for their ongoing commitment to our Animal Shelter animals.

• Supervisor Huberty read proclamation.
• Lisa Medina – Environmental Management Agency Director – thanked BOS for proclamation, staff is grateful for this recognition. Introduced some of the staff and volunteers. Keep on supporting our animals and staff, we thank them for their countless hours of contribution.
Public Comment • None

Consent Agenda.

3. Agreement – Administrative Office (ID # 7357) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement for Public Defender Legal Services with Fitzgerald, Alvarez & Ciummo effective July 1, 2023 and terminating on June 30, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $2,984,262.

4. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7250) Approve the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Recommended Budget excluding the Transient Occupancy Tax Distribution, Special Revenue Funds, and Special Districts.

5. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7252) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the purchase of Capital Assets for Fiscal Year 2023-24.

6. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7253) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for Special Revenue Funds.

7. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7254) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the In Home Supportive Services Public Authority.

8. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7255) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for Special Districts Governed by the Board of Supervisors.

9. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7256) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the Air Pollution Control District.

10. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7389) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Fire Districts.

11. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7399) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Sheriff’s Office.

12. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7400) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Roads Department.

13. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7401) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.

14. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7402) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Calaveras Chamber of Commerce.

15. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7403) Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Parks and Recreation Department.

16. Action Item – County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters (ID # 7382) Appoint applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas.

17. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7365) Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency or designee to execute Modification #2 to Subcontract Agreement to receive implementation and program funding for mobile crisis care totaling $1,232,120.00 over the time frame identified in the statement of work, January 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025, and all documentation required to receive and spend said funding, including subsequent amendments, if any, that do not change the amount of the grant.

18. Resolution – Behavioral Health (ID # 7368) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Application to and Participation in the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP).

19. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7374) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Jackson & Coker for the provision of specialty mental health services, including psychiatry services, on an as-needed basis for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $550,000.

20. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7387) Authorize 1) the Board Chair to sign Amendment 01 to the Agreement with Sierra Child and Family, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $710,000 for specialty mental health services for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and 2) the Director of Health and Human Services Agency to sign amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as it does not affect the not to exceed amount.

21. Agreement – Childrens Services (ID # 7369) 1) Authorize the Board Chair to sign the Intra- Agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Health and Human Services Child Welfare Program and First 5 to administer the Family Strengthening Program for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for the not-to-exceed value of $118,387; and 2) Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to sign amendments to the MOU, so long as the not-to-exceed value does not change.

22. Agreement – Human Services (ID # 7375) Authorize the Board Chair to sign Amendment 01 to the Memorandum of Understanding – Disaster-CalFresh ProgramNorthern Regional Counties Mutual Aid Plan Protocol for Post-Disaster Support/Services Accommodation for the period through June 30, 2024.

23. Resolution – Economic & Community Development (ID # 7291) Adopt a Resolution naming the Calaveras County Arts Council as the official County Arts Agency and State-Local Partner under the California Arts Council and California Legislature State-Local Partnership Program.

24. Resolution – Human Resources (ID # 7398) Adopt a Resolution authorizing changes to the Position Control List and adopting new job descriptions effective July 1, 2023, for the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Recommended Budget.

25. Action Item – Information Technology (ID # 7320) Approve County’s Information Security Program Charter and Framework and designate the IT Security Analyst as the County’s Information Security Officer.

26. Agreement – Integrated Waste Management (ID # 7379) Approve and Authorize the Board Chair to execute an agreement with Caltrans to reimburse Integrated Waste Management for cost incurred (not to exceed $75,000) as a result of hosting Free Recycling Events.

27. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7372) 1) Award ITB 22-1020-17-JOC associated with the Department of Public Works Job Order Contracting; 2) Award ITB 22-0110-18-JOC associated with the County Administrative Office Job Order Contracting; 3) Authorize the Board Chair to execute three (3) Job Order Contracts between Calaveras County and T&S Intermodal Maintenance, Inc. DBA T&S West, Tom Mayo Construction, Inc., and George Reed, Inc. for Public Works projects in the amounts not to exceed $5,402,865 each for the term of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024; and 4) Authorize the Board Chair to execute three (3) Job Order Contracts between Calaveras County and Staples Construction Company, Inc., T&S Intermodal Maintenance, Inc. DBA T&S West, and Mesa Energy DBA Emcor Services for Facilities and Countywide projects in the amounts not to exceed $5,402,865 each for the term of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

28. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7385) Authorize the Department of Public Works to apply for funding through the    Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program.

29. Action Item – Sheriff (ID # 7383) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute the Sixth Amendment to the California Forensic Medical Group, Inc. Agreement for regular inmate medical services in the detention facility, extending the term to June 30, 2025 and increasing the not to exceed annual Flat Rate amount of the Agreement from $777,768.60 to $824,434.68, a net increase of $46,666.08.

30. Agreement – Sheriff (ID # 7384) 1) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute a Third Amendment to the Jail-Based Competency (JBCT) Services Agreement with California Forensic Medical Group, Inc. with a term of February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2025 for a combined daily base rate and other reimbursement totaling $5,771,120; and 2) Grant the Sheriff and/or Undersheriff authority to execute future amendments and other administrative contract-related documents within this term and not-to-exceed amount.

Please review Janet’s notes and video for comments.
Motion to approve consent items – passed 5 – 0, with the exception of items 13 and 14 – 4 – 0, abstain – 1.

Regular Agenda

31. Action Item – Community Development Block Grant (ID # 7394) 1) Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input for the closeout of the Community Development Block Grant contracts 20- CDBG-CV2-3-00268, 20-CDBG-12008 and 20-CDBG-12077 funded programs; and 2) Authorize the Director of Health and Human Services Agency to approve, sign and submit the Closeout Certifications and any other necessary documents.

• Cori Allen – HHSA Director – open public hearing to close out work that has been done in the prior year. Introduced Beth Dodd with Adams Ashley Group who will provide the presentation.
• Beth Dodd – Adams Ashley Group – county awarded $292,478 for the common ground silver streak, assisted 233 seniors in transportation, funds covered wages, fuel, insurance, etc. Economic Business Development Grant – no outcomes so funds will be returned to the State of California.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5 – 0.

32. Action Item – Community Development Block Grant (ID # 7395) Conduct a public hearing to receive public input regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and possible activities/projects to be considered for funding under the 2023 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for an application and for possible Program Income funding for one or more applications.

• Cori Allen – HHSA Director – introduced Beth Dodd with Adams Ashley Group who will provide the presentation.
• Beth Dodd – Adams Ashley Group – the purpose is to review the grant process, 2023 application process, open hearing and receive public comment and determine the next steps. No decisions will be made today. We need to collect all the information today. Under 2023 notice, changed
funding limits, a total of $3.25M available; only 2 applications per jurisdiction. Timeline – saying will come out July 31st; will be published for 30 days to read and review.
Public Comment – Please review Janet’s notes and video for comments.
Action item was to get public comments.

33. Resolution – Integrated Waste Management (ID # 7284) 1) Conduct public hearing to amend the County’s solid waste parcel fee resolution to establish new land use categories, count and consider timely submitted written protests, and increase the solid waste parcel fee as described in the May 9th, 2023 hearing notice; 2) Adopt a resolution pursuant to Govt. Code § 25830 establishing the annual solid waste parcel fee schedule for the 2023/24 fiscal year; and 3) Authorize recording by the County Recorder.

• Jennifer Cashe – Director IWM – On April 25 the BOS received a presentation that did a comprehensive review of our solid waste, nexus fee study, and cost of service. Parcel fee history – 1977 fee was $26, increased to $42 in 1985, 1988 – $75, 1989 – $140 1991 – $150. For 32 years this parcel fee has not been increased. The cost for the county was $75 per ton. Alternatives would potentially cost $155 per ton to process and are subject to a yearly CPI cost increase. That would take all our costs and we would have to close all the transfer stations. Calaveras County presents a geographic challenge, 75% of residents use the transfer stations. We need to provide service to all residents in the most cost-effective way that provides the level of service we have provided. Recommends increasing parcel fees in the 2023-24 fiscal year. IWM will realize $8.3M in revenue with this resolution. We provided residents 45-days notice to write in any opposition and they can turn it in today before the close of the hearing. The majority of fee payers would need to write in opposition which would mean we would need to receive 13,450 oppositions; we currently have received 308 valid oppositions which allows us to move forward with this hearing. This was a difficult process to go through and was not taken lightly. I considered several situations; e.g. as a resident, for low-income residents, as the Director, and the BOS. Please review Janet’s notes & video for extensive discussion.

Public Comment – Please review Janet’s notes & video for extensive discussion.
Motion to approve action item – Passed 5 – 0.

34. Resolution – Planning (ID # 7376) 1) Conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution denying the appeal filed by Allyson and Jonathan Niemuth of the Planning Commission’s decision affirming the Planning Director’s denial of an Administrative Use Permit for a series of private special events at 769 Dogtown Road in unincorporated Angels Camp; 2) Find the denial of the appeal exempt from CEQA.

• Gabriel Elliott – Director of Planning & Julie Moss Lewis – Deputy County Counsel – We are here today because of an appeal that was decided upon by the planning commission. Had applied for an administrative use permit, reviewed by the planning department, and made findings. Application was denied, it was appealed to the planning department, held a hearing, and passed a resolution supporting the denial. The applicant filed an appeal regarding denial by the planning commission and it comes to the BOS. Our recommendation is that you support the findings of the planning commission.  Please review Janet’s notes & video for extensive discussion.
Public Comment – Please review Janet’s notes & video for extensive discussion.
Motion to approve the resolution – Passed 5 – 0.

Supervisor Announcements

Supervisor Huberty – attended on the 22nd CMCAA to work on the community action plan. Met with Supervisor Folendorf and CEO and with Planning Director regarding the historic building ordinance.
• Supervisor Garamendi – attended 3 town hall meetings, Golden State Executive Chair meeting, RCRC Golden State Financial Authority meeting.
Supervisor Folendorf – met with Planning Department and CEO regarding historic preservation and building. Would like to see if BOS is willing to put on agenda so we can share community concerns and my Copper Community Plan – building in the historic area and elsewhere.
Teresa Hitchcock – CEO – willing to work with BOS to work regarding historic districts.

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