Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 07-11-2023

Only one regular agenda item (#18) and it was an informational item.  The County’s planning office is looking into simplifying the permit process for Ag exemptions (barns, storage, greenhouses; no human habitation).  You’ll still need to get a permit but it will be a quicker & cheaper process.  Please read through Janet’s notes for a lot more information.


Or watch the video.  As always, an excellent job Janet!


Supervisor Folendorf was absent.

Staff Announcements:

• Jennifer Cashe – IWM Director – last Saturday had first recycling day in West Point. We had 92 cars, collected 100 mattresses, 214 appliances, and 94 tires, very successful. Will be at Hazel Fischer Elementary School this Saturday. Wanted to share my gratitude from the last board meeting. The landfill staff have been awesome, they went above and beyond and answered many questions at the sites. My admin staff and Megan Osborne were really helpful. We worked very well together as a team.

General Public Comment

Please review notes or video.

Consent Agenda

4. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Jun 13, 2023 8:00 AM

5. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7392) Authorize the Board Chair to sign the response to the May 26, 2023 Grand Jury Report regarding the Veterans Services Office.

6. Resolution – District Attorney (ID # 7396) Adopt a resolution authorizing the District Attorney to apply for, and accept, the Violence Against Women Vertical Prosecution Program grant, and to execute the grant agreement and any applicable amendments or modifications, with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

7. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7378) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. for Residential Mental Health Rehabilitation Services in an amount not to exceed $150,000 for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

8. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7386) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with Jolie Chain for the provision of after-hours psychiatric evaluation and crisis intervention services for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $70,000.

9. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7388) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Mariposa, Amador, Calaveras & Tuolumne (MACT) Health Board, Inc., for the provision of mental health prevention and early intervention services in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

10. Action Item – Public Health Services (ID # 7393) Accept a donation from Elevance
Health and 1) Authorize, by a 4/5th vote, a Budget Transfer for a reduction to contingencies under object code 5990 by $11,200 and adjust expenditures under object code 5701 by $11,200; and 2) Direct the Auditor Controller’s Office to post said Budget Transfer.

11. Agreement – Housing Program (ID # 7373) Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to execute an Agreement with Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA) for funding in the amount of $282,824 for the period of March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, for the purpose of delivering services to eligible community members who lack stable housing.

12. Action Item – Human Resources (ID # 7414) Human Resources & Risk Management, in collaboration with the Health & Human Services Deputy Director/Director of Behavioral Health, is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve the initial placement of candidate at Step E for the position Psychiatrist.

13. Resolution – Human Resources (ID # 7415) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Industrial Disability Retirement of Sergeant Laurie Murray.

14. Resolution – Integrated Waste Management (ID # 7404) Approve a Resolution authorizing the Integrated Waste Services Manager to submit applications for funding of the Used Oil Payment Program (OPP) to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for Fiscal Years 23/24 – 24/25.

15. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7410) 1) Adopt design plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) for construction of the Clean California Gateway Monument and Wayfinding Project; 2) Authorize the Director of Public Works to make minor edits to plans and specifications; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit formal construction bids.

16. Resolution – Public Works (ID # 7411) Adopt a Resolution vacating a portion of a public utility and drainage easement as shown on the Subdivision Map of Lake Tulloch Shores, Unit 1, along the eastern and western boundaries of Lot 62. (APN: 064-035-003), and finding such action exempt from CEQA.

17. Agreement – Economic & Community Development (ID # 7340) Approve and execute
the U.S. Department of Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program for
the Calaveras County Maury Rasmussen Airport.

Stacy – Board Clerk – would like to pull item #4.
Motion to approve consent items 5 – 17 – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.
Stacy – Board Clerk – last sentence above public comment, needs to say TOT budget. On page 6, removing the word in contingencies. Morgan Gotche’s name is spelled correctly now.
Motion to approve consent items 4 – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Regular Agenda

18. Informational Item – Building (ID # 7362) Hear presentation and provide direction on the streamlining of Building Department review requirements for agricultural and similar structures.

Doug Oliver – Chief Building Official – Presented PowerPoint presentation – please review for detailed information.
• Bringing results from a lot of studies for agricultural building permits.
• Goals: review and discuss current building permit process and history of so-called Ag Exemptions. Identify potential options for further streamlining. Discuss procedural options/ requirements for implementing Board’s direction (e.g. internal policy, resolution, or ordinance).
• Current Building Code: 2022 California Building Code Section 105.2 (exemption #1) – one story, 120 sq ft max, sheds, playhouses, and similar. 2022 California Building Code Appendix C – Optional appendix adopted to allow increased square footage for ag uses. Reduced fire protection burden for less hazardous structures.
• Ag Exemption Ordinances: Some rural counties have adopted so-called Ag Exemption ordinances that effect code application – 12 counties. Two typical ways these ordinances are written – amendment to the building codes, separate code adoption.
• Ag Exemption Ordinances: Ag exemption ordinances typically streamline the permit process by: eliminating the need for a permit, or eliminating plan review submittals, or eliminating inspections, or all of the above.
• Problem With Ag Exemption Ordinances: State law says that building Codes adopted by the state are minimum standards, and these standards pre-empt any conflicting local ordinances or policies. However, there is a lot of flexibility afforded to building departments based on the type of project. And there is some additional flexibility for agricultural structures through one of the optional appendices we adopted in December.
• What we can do (2022 CBC): Allow alternate materials (Section 104.11); accept inspection reports from approved agencies (Section 104.4); waive construction documents (Section 107.1 Except); phase document submits (Section 107.3.3).
• What we can’t do: Waive the requirement for a permit (Section 105.1); waive required inspections (110.3) – foundation, underfloor, frame, lathing, waterproofing, fire/smoke resistant assemblies, energy efficiency.
• Time is Money: By recognizing the reduced hazard with certain structures, and acknowledging the low risk of construction flaws, the permit process can be streamlined.  Reduced process = reduced time to approve the project. Reduced Time = reduced cost;
project mobilization, permit fee.
• Appropriate Care: Any process to verify compliance with the code should adhere to its intent. Occupant safety; public safety; property protection; environmental protection; energy efficiency; consumer protection.
• Stakeholder Input: Fire District JPA; Wine Grape Alliance; Cattlemen’s Association; Cannabis Industry; Industry Working Group.
• Ag Building Rankings: Based on the type of ag use the hazards are low compared to most other structures: Barns; sheds, silos, horticulture buildings, greenhouses, and livestock shelters. Only ag buildings qualify for Appendix A standards. But can authorize similar streamlining for other types of infrequently occupied non-ag buildings.
• Proposed Process Changes: Reduce plan submittal. Conventional construction: site plan, floor plan. Engineered Structure: site plan, engineered plans.
• Proposed Process Changes: Plan review focus: Zoning requirements. Minimum fire code: site ingress/egress, defensible space, fire setbacks, exiting. Minimum design criteria: snow, wind, earthquake, electrical safety.
• Proposed Process Changs: Over the County Review: reduce review to design safety overview and route to other departments (reduce time from 2 weeks to 3 days). Electronic Inspections: pictures of areas needing inspection prevents construction delays. 3rd Party Inspections: registered designer or inspection firm can perform required inspections.
• Limited Scope (Recommended); No human occupancy (no office, bathroom, employee work/break areas, etc.). Appropriate Zoning (A1, AP, RR, RA) – max size (5000 sq ft); limited height (one story/16ft); specific uses (barns, sheds, silos, horticulture buildings, greenhouses, livestock shelters, similar). No specific materials (metal, wood, pole, concrete, etc.).
• Fees: The goals was to reduce the permit down to an over-the-counter permit, with an over the-counter fee. However, with current requirements, a separate fee type should be generated that is similar to the current fee for accessory buildings without the plan review cost.
• Fee comparison: Current Fee for shed/barn = $1,455. Current fee for metal buildings = $1,212 (by Board Direction). Proposed fee (approx.) = $785. Hourly rate added for each inspection over three = $170.
• BOS is in support of Doug Oliver proceeding as outlined.
Public Comment• None
Informational Item Only.

Supervisor Announcements

Supervisor Huberty – Attended Arnold’s 4th of July parade, was the MC and it was awesome.
Supervisor Garamendi – On Saturday is a fire meeting in Paloma regarding the new station and open house. Will attend the RCRC meeting, Golden State Executive Chair meeting, and RCRC Golden State Financial Authority meeting in Sacramento.
Supervisor Stopper – attended Moke Hill’s 4th of July parade, with tremendous turnout and lots of vendors, it was a great event.

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