Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 11-07-2023

Extensive information on the District Attorney building, Greenhouse Reduction Act Plan Draft, and informational reports on various items including the Agricultural Crop and Livestock Report and Hardwood Advisory Committees. Please review the notes and video for additional information.    As always, Janet’s done a great job of tracking the meeting.  Great big thank you to Janet!

Or watch the video.  As always, an excellent job Janet!


Staff Announcements

• None

Recognition and Acknowledgments

3. Proclamation – Adult Services (ID # 7137) Adopt a Proclamation recognizing November 11th as Veterans Day.

• Supervisor Garamendi read the proclamation.
• Brian Galicia – County Veteran Service Officer – read An Honor Know One Wants discussing what a blue star family is, a gold star family is, and provided statistics regarding this.
Public Comment • None
Proclamation passed – 5 – 0.

General Public Comment

• Al Segalla – Taxpayer Association – could not understand but discussed something regarding property rights.

Consent Agenda

4. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7483) Declare vehicles and equipment as surplus and subject to disposal and authorize the County Administrative Officer to dispose of the vehicles and equipment pursuant to County Code.

5. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7625) 1) Make a public benefit finding; and 2) approve a community organization district allocation in the total amount of five thousand five hundred dollars ($5,500.00) to Calaveras High School.

6. Action Item – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7617) Appoint applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas.

7. Action Item – Behavioral Health (ID # 7607) Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2023-24 Fixed Assets list to reflect an increase of $89,000.00 in appropriations for a total of $192,000.00 for the purchase of FA#22-04 Crisis Care Mobile Unit, requiring 4/5th affirmative vote of the Board.

8. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7610) Authorize the Board Chair to sign Amendment 02 to the Agreement with Psynergy Programs, Inc. for residential care services for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024, updating exhibits and rates but retaining the total contract amount of $1,050,000, to be utilized on an as-needed basis.

9. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7611) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with American Legion for the provision of interfacility transfer services for the not to exceed value of $96,000 for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

10. Action Item – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7605) Authorize the Auditor-Controller to release by warrant to the Resource Connection of Amador and Calaveras Counties, Inc., Presley Funds and Domestic Violence Education and Training Fund Probation/Court Collections collected July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, supporting the Domestic Violence Shelter-Based Program in Calaveras County in the amount of $9,041.81.

11. Agreement – Human Resources (ID # 7597) Approve a Side Letter Agreement with Calaveras Management Union (CMU) and Calaveras Supervisory Union (CSU) for a onetime incentive and retention payment of $750.00 for permanent employees who meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the agreement.

12. Agreement – OES (ID # 7594) Authorize the Board Chair to execute the seventh amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between Calaveras County and TSS Renewables, Inc. for Tree Mortality Project Management services, with a term ending October 22, 2024.

13. Resolution – Public Works (ID # 7612) Adopt a Resolution vacating a Future Street as shown on Subdivision Map Book 2 at Page 63, between the boundaries of Lots 99 and 100, Sky High Ranch Unit 2, Tamarack (APNs 002-020-014 and 002-020-001).

Motion to approve consent items 4 – 13 – passed 5 – 0.

Regular Agenda

14. Agreement – Administrative Office (ID # 7619) 1) Receive a presentation from Lionakis on the Phase I Program and Feasibility Study for the District Attorney Building; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Lionakis for the Phase II Architectural and Engineering Services for Schematic Design through Construction in the amount not to exceed $510,840.00 with a term ending November 6, 2026; and, 3) Authorize the County Executive Officer to sign amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as it does not affect the not to exceed amount.

• Deborah Lesnefska – Consultant – Licensed architect – PowerPoint presentation presented. Please review for detailed information.
• Project Description – Have two sites, 4 components. Existing Facilities – Have outgrown existing facilities. Spread out on separate sites. County Campus Building G, Victims Services, Portable Trailer, Storage Containers Off-site Storage.
Please review the notes and video for additional discussion.
Motion to approve action item – Passed – 5 – 0.

15. Informational Item – Planning (ID # 7627) Receive the October 26, 2023, Report of the Planning Commission and Provide Direction on the Draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Implementing Measure COS-5C of the 2019 General Plan.

Gabriel Elliott – Planning Director – spent an extensive amount of time going over the greenhouse gas plan. We are trying to satisfy one of our general plan items. We want to reduce our greenhouse gas by 40%. The first set of measures did not get us to our target. With hard work, we now have a plan that meets our goals but comes with some that are controversial. We did not do this plan in a vacuum. We invited all departments that may have an impact. The plan meets the goals of the county and general plan. The direction we are seeking today is to get direction on what you want us to do. We are not making any decisions today but want to tell you what has transpired over the past several months.
Please review the notes and video for additional discussion.
Informational Item Only.

16. Informational Item – Adult Services (ID # 7609) Receive an informational update about the County Veterans Service Office.

• Brian Galicia – County Veteran Service Officer – PowerPoint presentation presented.
Please review the notes and video for additional discussion.
Informational Item Only.

17. Informational Item – Agriculture (ID # 7568) Receive a presentation on Calaveras County’s 2022 Agricultural Crop and Livestock Report.

• Jesse Fowler – Agricultural Commissioner/Director of Weights and Measures – PowerPoint presentation presented.
Please review the notes and video for additional discussion.
Public Comment • None
Informational Item Only.

18. Informational Item – Planning (ID # 7589) Receive a presentation and provide policy feedback on the Draft Oak Woodlands Ordinance to Staff and the Hardwood Advisory Committee.

• Gabriel Elliott – Planning Director – Hardwood Advisory Committee has spent a lot of time on this matter. We have tried to implement measures. Financially does not cost the county any significant amount of money other than staff. Options: If we don’t like this, bring it back; tell us you like it with any modifications or take it to the Planning Dept.
Please review the notes and video for additional discussion.
Informational Item Only.

Supervisor Announcements

Supervisor Huberty – On the 2nd, attended Agency on Aging meeting; tonight at townhall in San Andreas regarding PG&E.
Supervisor Garamendi – attended workshops on the 1st and 2nd.
Supervisor Stopper – CSAC will be next week; will be doing Turkey in the Barrel on Saturday; town hall in San Andreas regarding PG&E.
Chair Tofanelli – attended revenue workshop with Supervisor Garamendi; attended Mountain County ZMS agency meeting on Monday; behavior health board meeting today at 4 p.m.
Teresa Hitchcock – CEO – I attended the revenue workshop.

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