Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 12-12-2023

It’s meetings like this that make me appreciate Janet’s notes!  So there were several items with extensive discussion:  #8. Chamber of Commerce for Tourism Promotion, 29. Economic & Community Development;  32. 2023 Calaveras Community Health Assessment; and 35. regarding Cannabis Cultivation Tax Rates.  Please read through Janet’s 11 pages of notes.  If you want to get even more information, there’s a link to the video below.  Great big thank you to Janet!

Or watch the video.  As always, an excellent job Janet!

Staff Announcements

• None

General Public Comment

• None

Consent Agenda

2. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Oct 24, 2023 9:00 AM

3. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Special Meeting – Nov 1, 2023 9:00 AM

4. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Special Meeting – Nov 2, 2023 9:00 AM

5. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Nov 7, 2023 8:00 AM

6. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Nov 28, 2023 8:00 AM

7. Agreement – Administrative Office (ID # 7660) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 01 with Aspen Street Architects, Inc., increasing the not to exceed amount to $150,000 for the period April 13, 2021, through April 12, 2024.

8. Agreement – Administrative Office (ID # 7651) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with the Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce for Tourism Promotion throughout the west end of Calaveras County for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026.

9. Resolution – Administrative Office (ID # 7691) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive Officer, or designee, to submit application documents for the Small Community Drought Relief Program to execute grant-related documents, and accept funds up to $125,000.

10. Action Item – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7542) Remove Joseph Kincaid from the Mental Health Advisory Board due to significant non-attendance.

11. Action Item – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7675) Appoint applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas.

12. Resolution – Environmental Management Agency (ID # 7636) Adopt a resolution authorizing the submittal of a Solid Waste Enforcement Grant application to CalRecycle for Fiscal Year 2023/24 through Fiscal Year 2027/28 and authorize the Environmental Health Director to sign and execute annual grant agreements, subsequent grant amendments within the five-year period, and requests for payment.

13. Resolution – Adult Services (ID # 7677) Adopt a resolution deferring implementation of the changes made to Welfare and Institutions Code §5008 by Senate Bill 43 (2023-2024 reg session) regarding the definition of gravely disabled.

14. Agreement – Housing Program (ID # 7676) Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to execute an Agreement with Continuum of Care (CSCoC) administered by Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA) for funding in the amount of $143,364.56 for the period of October 01, 2023 through June 30, 2027 for the purpose of delivering services to eligible community members who lack stable housing.

15. Resolution – Housing Program (ID # 7679) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the application for and acceptance of two program funding sources: 1) Transitional Housing Program (round 5) resulting in revenue up to $59,940 and 2) Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (round 2) resulting in revenue up to $29,469.

16. Agreement – Public Health (ID # 7680) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a lease agreement with BNN, LLC for a climate-controlled storage facility located at 780 B Industrial Way in San Andreas for a maximum amount of $126,000 over a term of five years, from January 1, 2024, to January 1, 2029.

17. Agreement – Library (ID # 7659) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a retroactive Lease Agreement with the Calaveras Unified School District allowing the Calaveras County Library to occupy the District’s joint use facility located at 54 Bald Mountain Rd. in West Point for a 3-year term between July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026 in exchange for total rents not to exceed one hundred and eight dollars ($108).

18. Agreement – Library (ID # 7661) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a retroactive Lease Agreement with the Calaveras Unified School District allowing the Calaveras County Library to occupy the District’s joint use facility located at 240 Pine St., Valley Springs for a 3-year term between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026 for total rents not to exceed one hundred forty-four dollars ($144.00).

19. Ordinance – Public Works (ID # 7690) Adopt an Ordinance amending Sections 12.09.020 and 12.09.030 of the Calaveras County Code, to clarify application deadlines and fees for outdoor dining encroachment and building permits.

20. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7561) 1) Award Invitation to Bid 23-1200-01-968 for construction of the Roadway Safety Signage Audit Project, Highway Safety Improvement Program project 5930-095; and 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute a construction contract with Highway Specialty Company, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $4,432,325.

21. Resolution – Public Works (ID # 7673) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute Agreements and documents on behalf of the County with the California Department of Transportation for the Clean California Local Grant Program’s Keep Calaveras Clean Project.

22. Action Item – Probation (ID # 7666) Approve FY 2023-24 Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) Implementation Plan.

23. Resolution – OES (ID # 7664) 1) Authorize the Director of Emergency Services to accept $133,916 in 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funding; and 2) Authorize the Director of Emergency Services, CEO, and/or Assistant County Administrative Officer to sign the grant agreement and subsequent grant amendments and requests for payment.

24. Resolution – OES (ID # 7665) 1) Authorize the Director of Emergency Services to accept $117,971 in 2023 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds; and 2) Authorize the Director of Emergency Services, County Executive Officer (CEO), and Assistant County Administrative Officer (CAO) to sign the grant agreement and subsequent grant amendments and requests for payment.

25. Resolution – OES (ID # 7683) Adopt a Resolution re-affirming the Director of Emergency Services’ Proclamation of a Local State of Emergency for the Winter Storm Damage from extreme weather events that began on or around February 23, 2023.

26. Resolution – OES (ID # 7684) Adopt a Resolution re-affirming the Director of Emergency Services’ Proclamation of a Local State of Emergency for the Winter Storm Damage from extreme weather events that began on or around December 29, 2022.

27. Resolution – Sheriff (ID # 7613) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office, the Applicant, to apply for and accept grant funds from the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW)’s Boating Safety and Enforcement Financial Aid Program when the next grant cycle opens during calendar year 2023- 24.

28. Action Item – Sheriff (ID # 7672) Approve Budget Transfer Form to transfer $3,020 of existing appropriations from services and supplies object code 5412 to capital equipment object code 5701 in the Jail budget unit 10100380 to allow for the purchase of a tractor mower. Requires a 4/5th affirmative vote of the Board.

• Supervisor Folendorf removed item #8.
Motion to approve consent items 2 – 28, with the exception of 8 – passed 5 – 0.
Item #8
• Supervisor Huberty rescued himself from this item (left room).
Please see the notes and video for extensive information.
Motion to approve consent item 12 – passed 3 – 1 (Folendorf voted no), 1 abstain

Regular Agenda

29. Informational Item – Economic & Community Development (ID # 7606) Receive presentations from the Calaveras County Economic & Community Development Department regarding 2022- 2023 activities and from the California Association for Local Economic Development on economic development trends and opportunities.

• Kathy Gallino – Economic and Community Development Director – introduced Michelle Stevens.
• President and CEO of CALEd – Michelle Stevens – Program Director – PowerPoint
presentation presented. Please review for detailed information
Kathy Gallino – Economic and Community Development Director – PowerPoint presentation presented. Please review for detailed information.
Please review the notes and video for extensive information.
Informational Item Only.

30. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7682) Make a Public Benefit Finding and Approve the Solid Waste Fee Increase Refund Program.

• Denise Hubner – Deputy CAO – bringing item forward due to concern BOS expressed re low-income resident. Solid Waste Refund – Requirements: Must be primary residence; completed application; income eligible; proof of payment of solid waste fee increase (included on property tax bill). Refund is only applicable for the $127.30 increase to solid waste fees. The deadline for submission is January 1, 2024, to June 14, 2024.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed – 5 – 0.

31. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7674) Approve Noticing for Title III Funding Proposals from the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 in the Amount of $114,940.94 and Begin the 45-Day Comment Period.

Marcos Munoz – Assistance CAO – seeking approval which will open up the public comment for 45 days; will close 4 p.m. on January 26, 2024.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed – 5 – 0.

32. Informational Item – Public Health Services (ID # 7327) Receive a presentation from Calaveras County Health and Human Services, Public Health Division, reporting the results of the 2023 Calaveras Community Health Assessment.

• Colleen Rodriguez – Deputy Director of Calaveras Public Health – PowerPoint presentation presented. Please review for detailed information. 2023 Calaveras Health Assessment.  Mission and Values: To Improve the health and well-being of everyone in Calaveras County. Community engagement; social responsibility; excellence & quality improvement; health equity.  Importance of Data Collection – found a significant gap. When aggregated, a smaller amount is surveyed. Challenges exist when data is combined with other regions. Calaveras County has its own identity and challenges. We must gather data directly from our county residents.  CHA Primary Date Collection – Key informant Interviews – people working directly for the county. Focus Groups – gave citizens a chance to give their opinions, needs and challenges.
• Health Behaviors – gives us an opportunity to improve.
• Health and Well-being – 88% of respondents stated they have good to excellent personal well-being.
• Community Priority: Respondents Top Community Health Needs: Affordable housing (69%), Medical providers (66%), Mental health support (45%).
• Access to Care: Difficulty accessing a healthcare provider; healthcare cost as a barrier.
• Rate of Chronic Conditions: mental health (25%); cardiovascular (15%); respiratory disease (9%).
• Mental Health Needs: Barriers to Care, Provider Shortages – limited availability of mental health providers was the main reason respondents did not seek care. Cost of Care – Cost of mental health care prevented any respondents from receiving mental health care. Transportation – lack of reliable public transportation was the third reason respondents did not seek mental health care.
• What to Expect for 2024: A Summary Community Health Assessment Report in 2024 will be provided. Calaveras Community Health Improvement Partnership (C-CHIP) – to help begin change with a network of various organizations, labor, education, economic development, community members, etc. Community Health Improvement Plan – will do launch in January or February of next year.
• 2023-25 Strategic Plan – Provide a chart with goals, plans, and focus (too small to read). Available on the website.
• Questions and Contacts: Haley Graham, MPH, CPH – Colleen Rodriquez, MSW, MPH – Connect with us – CalaverasCountyPublicHealth, 700 Mountain Ranch Road, Suite C2, San Andreas, CA 95249,,;209.754.6460. Encourage you to visit our website, call us, email us, or see us in person. We are happy to engage with our community. Crucial we have community engagement in this process. If interested, please reach out to us.
Please see the notes and video for additional information.
Public Comment • None
Informational Item Only.

33. Resolution – Planning (ID # 7653) Conduct a public hearing; adopt a CEQA Negative Declaration; and adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 2022-039 from Commercial (C) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) for Dorene and Steve Humason.

Gabriel Elliott – Planning Director – General Plan Amendment & Zoning Amendment: Has been to the planning commission. Turned it over to Planner Katherine Stephanie.
Katherine Stephanie – Planner 2 – PowerPoint presentation presented. Please review for detailed information. This presentation is for both items #33 and #34.
• Subject parcel is located at 73 Mitchell Avenue, Murphys, approximately 215 feet east of Hwy 4. Currently, zoned professional offices would change to multiple-family residences. Was zoned multiple-family residence, then changed to professional offices. The zone was changed after the house was constructed. Medium use land designation; 6 dwellings per acre, single family to multiple family. The proposed zoning is multiple-family residential, for high-density, condos, etc. amendment would allow 3-family residential homes. Current residents intend to keep it a single-family home. Surround land uses – commercial and residential. The General Plan
follows the zoning. The application was routed for 30 days.
• Planning Commission – November 9, 2023 hearing, no public comments, commission voted 3-0-1-1 recommending approval.
• Conclusion & Recommendation – Proposal to amend General Plan designation and zoning of 0.31 acre from C to RMD and CP to R3, respectively. The proposal is consistent with General Plan and zoning. Is consistent with neighboring and adjacent land uses and zoning. Promotes public health, safety, and general welfare. Planning Commission recommends approval.
Public Comment
Dorene Humason – my husband, Steve, and I bought the property on July 15, 2022. We weren’t aware it was a commercial property. We were gutting the house and reviving it. The house was the pastor’s house and has always been a residence. Intend to keep it as a residence but was advised it would be beneficial to rezone as residential. We spent a year using local vendors and contractors to make the house gorgeous. We redid landscaping to natural landscaping. Would like to go through this process sooner rather than later.
Resolution passed – 5 – 0.

34. Ordinance – Planning (ID # 7654) Conduct a public hearing, adopt a CEQA Negative Declaration, and adopt an Ordinance amending the zoning of APN 068-020-65 from Professional Offices (CP) to Multiple-Family Residential (R3) for Dorene and Steve Humason; authorize summary publication and a brief property description and map of the reclassified property.

• Gabriel Elliott – Planning Director – this is for the zone change based on the above presentation just provided.
• Dorene Humason – thank you for your attention to this. We love Murphys, our neighbors, and the community. Feel their improvement has increased the value of homes, they are proud their house looks nice. We will not be building any further houses.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item – Passed – 5 – 0.

35. Action Item – Building (ID # 7601) By a 4/5 Vote, Introduce and Waive First Reading of an Uncodified Ordinance Reducing the Cannabis Cultivation Tax Rates Specified in Section 3.56.050(B)(1)-(3) on a Temporary Basis as Authorized by Section 3.56.070; Authorize Summary Publication.

Doug Oliver – Chief Building Official – this is one of the harder things I do for my job, not fully knowledgeable but I want to share the positive effects and our ideas. In 2020, the price was $800 to $1,000 per pound; the price dropped about 50% in 2021 and continues to drop in 2022 to $150 to $300 per pound. In 2023, came up a bit, $300 to $450 a pound. Can’t speak to the stabilization of the market yet. Hope is to recommend a continuation of 60% to see if the price stabilizes in California. Had significant tax changes in counties and the state. Statewide tax shifted it from cultivators to retailers, did not carry forward to the purchasers, it drove the price down to cultivators. Around 24 permit holders were in arrears, after BOS implemented this tax reduction, we saw cultivators being able to catch up and pay taxes on a quarterly basis. Last quarter no delinquencies. We have seen significant improvement.
Please review the notes and video for additional information.
Motion to approve action item – Passed – 5 – 0.

Supervisor Announcements

• Supervisor Huberty – attended various Christmas events, thanked CEO Hitchcock for presentation at Good Morning Calaveras, on 12/2 went to a reception at Bear Valley and met new owners, bringing good ideas; attended Arnold Library celebration; on 12/6 attended EPOC meeting; on 12/7 attended the Agency for Aging, we have six vacancies for Calaveras Advisory Board, would love to fill those positions, commitment for an hour every other month; attended an Alzheimers workshop and it was well attended and beneficial; last weekend went to spartan race.
• Supervisor Garamendi – attended various holiday events, and went to Golden State Connect meeting.
• Supervisor Folendorf – attended Bear Valley reception, attended last COG meeting of this year, approximately 7-page report from CalTrans, please review the agenda/report – very comprehensive. CTA & COG do not have a meeting until February 2024.
• Supervisor Stopper – attended the Central Sierra Economic Development meeting and we finalized CEDS, deals with five counties, and overarching areas.
• Chair Tofanelli – attended the COG meeting, and attended Mental Health Board meeting last Tuesday.

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