Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 11-28-2023

I always like to see the Staff Announcements.  Hope you do too.  And a well done to the Auditor’s Office.
Calaveras Visitors Bureau reported on the increased tourism numbers (the largest industry in Calaveras).

Please review the notes and video for additional information.    As always, Janet’s done a great job of tracking the meeting.  Great big thank you to Janet!

Or watch the video.  As always, an excellent job Janet!

Staff Announcements

• Nancy Gideon – County Librarian – thrilled with our statistics this year, we have recovered after COVID-19, and our digital use is up this year as well. Over 7,000 people attended over 500 of our programs. We loan more than we borrow. We have 10.53 staff, we have one person at our
branches at a time and they work tirelessly. Encouraged the BOS and public to visit our county library in San Andreas, it is beautiful and offers so much.
• Kathy Galino – Director of Economic & Community Development – We have the comprehensive economic study out for review, please review the document and provide input, on the county homepage and link to the document, five-year planning guide. The Economic Community Survey which is located on the website asking the community for input regarding what they think is important for their community, business retention, and growth, will continue to the first week of December. Broadband – doing the low land development that will cover the first 40 to 50 miles of broadband. Will provide an update at a later time. Community Survey is online and in partnership with the Library, we have a paper survey too.
• Jesse Fowler – Agricultural Commissioner – Wants to remind residents they should not be moving homegrown fruits or vegetables across county/country lines because it increases the risk of insects which causes economic loss in California. We have seen a surge in insects in
California. Currently, we have 7 in California counties. Leave ag products at home and declare all if you cross state lines. Report any fruit flies you find in your fruits.

Recognition and Acknowledgments

2. Proclamation – Administrative Office (ID # 7631) Proclamation Recognizing the Calaveras County Auditor’s Office for receiving a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.

• Chair Tofanelli read the proclamation.
Kathy Gomes – Auditor Controller – I have an amazing staff that is very dedicated, and other staff that is very dedicated to us in providing information. The report is on our website to view. Thank you for the recognition.
Public Comment • None
Proclamation passed – 5 – 0.

General Public Comment

• Kate Allen – President of San Andreas Merchants Association – thank you for allocating funds for us, and for Supervisor Tofanelli to get the funds. We put up new banners and put up decorations on the lights in San Andreas. Thanked the Art Council and Mark Twain Medical Center for their donations. Invited the BOS and public to join in for caroling, and hot chocolate on Main Street this Friday.

• Female – IHHS Provider – SEIU member – hoping to come back to the table regarding the contract. We live here, spend money here, our workers help the elderly. Looking for a livable wage, we don’t ask for much, we understand inflation is everywhere. We want you to know we are here. There are 794 providers in this county alone. We don’t make a lot of money.

• Carlos ? – IHHS Provider – SEIU member – provider for my spouse who had an injury and I am taking care of her. We get some assistance a month with help but it is a very difficult job. We are seeking a fair wage for the work we provide.

• Charles ? – IHHS Provider – SEIU member – my adult son, Ben, is handicapped, it has been a challenge raising and caring for Ben. In our county, everything is very spread out and our wages are low. I look forward to working with you at the bargaining table.

Consent Agenda


3. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7614) Authorize 1) the Board Chair to sign the Agreement with Sierra Child and Family, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $676,000 for the implementation of wellness centers for local students and their families for and/or at local elementary schools for the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024; and 2) the Director of Health and Human Services Agency to sign amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as it does not affect the not to exceed amount.

4. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7615) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with Aurora Behavioral Healthcare for specialty mental health services in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the two-year period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024.

5. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7640) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027, resulting in revenue of $1,728,260.

6. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7616) Authorize the Board Chair to sign Amendment 01 to the Agreement with Calaveras County Office of Education for the provision of the Friday Night Live Mentoring and Youth Leadership Program, replacing Exhibit C (State subcontractor requirements) and leaving all other terms unchanged.

7. Agreement – Human Services (ID # 7626) Authorize the Board Chair to enter into an Agreement with Social Change Partners LLC for the provision of specialized consulting services for the period of November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2025, for the not-to-exceed amount of $350,000.

8. Agreement – Human Services (ID # 7628) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a consulting services Agreement with Health Management Associates, Inc., for the not-to-exceed amount of $110,000 for the term September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024.

9. Action Item – Code Compliance (ID # 7637) Authorize County nuisance abatement, special assessment of the abatement costs, and the recordation of a notice of abatement lien on the property owned by Sanfilippo Dennis J, DBA Heaven Smiles Inn, in case number CE23-0011, related to the property located at 247 Jones St., Murphys; APN 066-002-013.

10. Action Item – Code Compliance (ID # 7638) Authorize County nuisance abatement, special assessment of the abatement costs, and the recordation of a notice of abatement lien on the property owned by Hoffman Michael C., in case number CE22-0072, related to the property located at 2122 Camanche Dr., Arnold; APN 028-006-040.

11. Action Item – Probation (ID # 7618) Approve Revised Electronic Monitoring Home Detention Program Policy.

12. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7648) Authorize the Director of Public Works to amend the Department of Public Works 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 28, 2023.

13. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7633) 1) Accept the work of Chrisp Company for the construction of Phase 1 (2023) of the Striping Program 2023-25; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion of Phase 1 work; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release retained funds for Phase 1.

14. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7649) Authorize the Board Chair to execute Cooperative Agreement 10-0574 with the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the Right-of-Way (ROW) phase for the Eastern Segment of the State Route 4 Wagon Trail Realignment Project (Phase 2).

15. Agreement – Sheriff (ID # 7658) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Sun Ridge Systems, Inc. for the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office RIMS software support services in the combined amount of $473,955 for a five-year renewal term from July 01, 2023, through June 30, 2028.

16. Agreement – Sheriff (ID # 7641) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute a software license Master Agreement and corresponding Addendum A with Teleosoft, Inc. in the not-to-exceed the amount of $55,862 to grant a perpetual license to install and use “CountySuite File Status Portal, E-filing, and File Assignment Module.”

17. Agreement – Agriculture (ID # 7632) Approve and authorize the County Executive Officer to execute another Intercounty Agreement with Tuolumne County authorizing the use of each other’s specialized weighing and measuring equipment and authorizing payment to Calaveras County of up to $9,000 per year for use of a trained driver from January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2027.

• Supervisor Stopper removed item #12 for a question.
Motion to approve consent items 3 – 17, with the exception of 12 – passed 5 – 0.

Item #12
• Supervisor Stopper – with these three projects being moved to next year, will there be adequate time to fulfill all projects scheduled for next year?
Robert Pachinger – Director of Public Works – Yes, it won’t bump any items/projects that are scheduled for next year.
Motion to approve consent item 12 – passed 5 – 0.

Regular Agenda


18. Informational Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7652) Receive an update from staff on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau’s tourism promotion activities.

• Supervisor Huberty recused himself because he is employed by the Calaveras Visitors Bureau. Left room.
Jamie Andriola – Principal Analyst with the Administration Office and sits on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau (CVB) board as a county representative. Tourism is the largest industry in Calaveras County. CVB markets our county nationally and throughout the state. In 2022, we brought in $246M in tourism. KCRA 3 reached out to CVB to ask what we are doing post-pandemic since we are doing better than our sister counties. CVB has 2 welcome centers, 12,624 people have been greeted this year, 2,000 more than last year and we have one more month to go in this year. The main visitors center is in Angels Camp and is open 7 days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Murphys Welcome Center is open 5 days a week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 80,000 digital downloads occur annually and we distribute flyers in various locations including hotels and airports. We also are featured in various news outlets, magazines, Instagram, etc. Monthly blogs are posted on our website. We collect data on where people stay and shop which helps us plan. We have seen an average of 24% increase in visitors this year. Our first/largest group comes from San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley. Our second group comes from Sacramento, Roseville, and Folsom. Third group comes from San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale.
Morgan Gace – President of Calaveras County Visitors Bureau – I am proud of how much we have been able to affect and support the county in tourism. We have to be proactive to get coverage and attractions.
Public Comment: Please see notes and video.
Informational Item Only.

19. Resolution – Human Resources (ID # 7657) Adopt a Resolution authorizing 1) Changes to the salary ranges of the Assistant Assessor, Public Works Deputy Director, and Information Technology Director classifications, and 2) Updated job descriptions for the Assistant Assessor and Information Technology Director positions.

• Judy Hawkins – Human Resources & Risk Management Director – bringing requests because two of the positions have been vacant for one year and haven’t been able to successfully recruit. With raising salaries, we are asking 10% and it does not bring them to market. We know we have a comp study going now but it won’t be done until January. We believe there will most likely be future increases but we would like to start recruiting now and have a successful process.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve Resolution – passed 5 – 0.

20. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7639) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize the summary publication of an ordinance amending Sections 12.09.020 and 12.09.030 of the Calaveras County Code, to clarify application deadlines and fees.

Robert Pachinger – Director of Public Works – has been working with other divisions in the county to implement outdoor dining. We are adjusting the timeframe to begin the 18-month window now because we were not able to do so within the 18-month time frame that has passed.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve action item with putting fees in letter – Passed – 5 – 0.

Supervisor Announcements

Supervisor Huberty – On 11.11.23, was honored to speak at the Veterans Day event in Murphys; attended CSAC meetings; Turkey Trot was amazing, White Pines laser show was outstanding.
• Supervisor Garamendi – attended LAFTCO and CSAC meetings.
Supervisor Folendorf – attended LAFTCO last week, The Deputy is retiring in 2024 and we will begin recruitment.
Supervisor Stopper – attended CSAC meetings, talked about a lot of good things, homelessness and affordable housing, environment, fire suppression, etc.

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