Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meeting Notes – 2/13/2024

In the Consent Agenda, acknowledging the service and retirement of police dog Nox.  Nice he gets to retire to his deputy’s family.   Regular Agenda, #20 was a presentation on the Area 12 Council on Aging.  They currently have five (5!) openings on the Area 12 Agency on Aging Advisory Council.   Please think about volunteering!  Also, #28 was an extensive discussion on efforts to preserve and protect historic buildings in the County.  Please read through Janet’s notes.  If you want to see all the PowerPoint presentations, there’s a link to the video below.  Great big thank you to Janet!


Or watch the video.  As always, an excellent job Janet!

• Nonebos-meeting-notes-02-13-2024

Closed Session Agenda

1. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54957(b)(1): Public Employee Annual Performance Evaluation – Title: County Executive Officer.

2. Proclamation – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7725) Proclaim the week of February 11th through February 17th, 2024 as Kindness Week in Calaveras County and further deem the County as a Random Acts of Kindness Zone.

• Supervisor Huberty read the proclamation.
Motion to approve Proclamation – passed 5 – 0.

3. Proclamation – Public Health (ID # 7759) Adopt a proclamation declaring February 2024 as Children’s Oral Health Month in Calaveras County.

• Supervisor Folendorf read the proclamation.
Randie Orloff – Public Health – read a statement from Dr. Jay Kumar regarding dental disease stating it is one of the top reasons children are absent from school. Will present oral health education at libraries to help provide knowledge and outcomes. Encouraged children to brush teeth twice daily. Look forward to the implementation of dental education at schools and screening.
Motion to approve Proclamation – passed 5 – 0.

General Public Comment

Dana Jorgenson – Senator Alvarado-Gil’s Office – holding office hours today at the library from 10 a.m. to noon. Will be on Zoom with AT&T regarding the Copperopolis line and safety concerns. We are aware of PG&E issue as well. We are accepting applications for Women of the Year, asking that it comes from a public representative. Have been following the CUSD issue, answering questions, and getting info on state budget issues. Call with any questions.
• Please review the video and notes for additional information.

Consent Agenda

4. Minutes of Board of Supervisors – Regular Meeting – Jan 23, 2024 8:00 AM

5. Action Item – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (ID # 7747) Appointment of applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas.

6. Resolution – Economic & Community Development (ID # 7731) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the County of Calaveras to apply and receive a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Business Development Grant, up to $500,000.

7. Agreement – Behavioral Health (ID # 7748) Authorize the Board Chair to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Health Management Associates, Inc. (HMA) for the California Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Expansion Project resulting in
revenue up to $85,000 for the term August 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.

8. Action Item – Behavioral Health (ID # 7772) Authorize 1) the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to complete an application for the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED 3 ) Grant, resulting in potential revenue between $750,000-$1,000,000; and 2) the CEO to execute any required subsequent documents after proper internal approvals have been received.

9. Agreement – Childrens Services (ID # 7751) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with Aspiranet for the provision of intensive home-based wrap-around services in an amount not to exceed $270,000 for the period of October 1, 2023, through March 31, 2025.

10. Action Item – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7729) Appoint two Public Agency Representative members to the Calaveras Child Care Council (CCCC) upon the recommendation of the CCCC.

11. Action Item – Health and Human Services Agency (ID # 7744) Receive the California–Child and Family Services Review (C-CFSR) Annual System Improvement Plan (SIP) Progress Report, Year 3 Update for the time covering October 29, 2022 through October 29, 2023, and authorize Board Chair to sign related certification.

12. Agreement – Human Services (ID # 7760) Authorize the Board Chair to sign the Lease Agreement with David Williamson for office space for the Health and Human Services Agency for the term of August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2026, in the not to exceed the amount of $19,800.

13. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7749) 1) Accept the work of George Reed, Inc. for the construction of the 2019 Winter Storms Rail Road Flat Road Slide Repair Project, KCBCALCO-0003-1 (Project); 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release all retained funds.

14. Action Item – Public Works (ID # 7752) 1) Accept the work of Midstate Barrier, Inc. for the construction of the Guardrail Upgrades Project HSIPL 5930(094); 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release all retained funds.

15. Agreement – Public Works (ID # 7573) Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 08 to the Professional Services Agreement with T.Y. Lin International for the Whiskey Slide Road Bridge and Schaad Road Bridge projects, increasing the amount by $178,215 to an amount not to exceed $2,005,274, and extending the term to expire December 31, 2025.

16. Resolution – Victim Witness (ID # 7758) Adopt a resolution authorizing the District Attorney to enter into specified grant agreements, and to execute any applicable grant amendments or modifications, with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

17. Action Item – Sheriff (ID # 7734) Find one dual-purpose Malinois German Shepherd mix canine, named Nox, to be no longer required for public use pursuant to County Code § 3.28.034.

18. Agreement – Sheriff (ID # 7756) 1) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute a Third Amendment to the Jail-Based Competency Treatment (JBCT) Services Agreement with California Forensic Medical Group, Inc. with a term of February 1, 2021, through January 31, 2025, for a combined daily base rate and other reimbursement totaling $6,010,746; and 2) Grant the Sheriff and/or Undersheriff authority to execute future amendments and other administrative contract- related documents so long as these do not alter the Contract term and not-to-exceed amount.

• Supervisor Tofanelli pulled items 15 and 17.
Motion to approve consent items 4 – 18 with the exception of 15 and 17 – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Item #15

• Supervisor Tofanelli – I pulled this item because this has been going on for almost 11 years, $2M, and no plans, when is there an end date so we can go out for an RFP.
• Robert Pachinger – Director of Public Works – approximately 1/2 of the money went to work for the Chad Road bridge and was completed. We need to do a few minor things for erosion control. What is left is the other road, Whiskey Slide, a difficult location with a lot of environmental factors that impact the location. Environmental studies have been completed but need to do additional studies. We don’t have plans yet but once these are done we hope to have them to BOS. Once we get plans, it goes for permitting and we don’t have control over those agencies.
• Supervisor Tofanelli – hoping a year from now we can have plans drawn up and go out for RFP. The more time that goes on the costlier it can get. I want to get this project done.
• Robert Pachinger – this helps us move it forward with outside agencies.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve consent item 15 – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Item #17

• Supervisor Tofanelli – I pulled this item but turn it over to Sheriff Rick DiBasilio.
• Rick DiBasilio – Sheriff – we are retiring one of our dogs, he has been with us for 7 years, want to recognize we were allowed to purchase the dog. He had an injury that he cannot come back from. Sgt. Moser, his handler, is going to keep the dog. Nox has done a lot of work and events and training that the public has been able to see him. Sgt. Moser has put in a lot of work for Nox.
• Sgt. Moser – had Nox since 2018, has been a great dog, served this county well. Unfortunately, he has an injury so I ask we retire him and we can keep him as a family dog.
• Supervisor Tofanelli – the dog has done wonderful things over the years.
Public Comment • None
Motion to approve consent item 17 – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Regular Agenda

19. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7755) Approve Title III Funding Proposals
from the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 in the
Amount of $114,940.94.

Public Comment • None
Action Item – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

20. Informational Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7757) Receive an update from the Area
12 Agency on Aging updating the Board on current activities and issues.

Rich Corbello – the goal is to advocate for older adults and ensure for independence. Calaveras County has 8 seats, 2 filled, and 6 vacancies. The committee meets six times per year. We review and approve plan updates to meet the needs of the communities. We receive training and conduct community surveys every four years.
Kristen Knowha – Area 12 Director Agency for Aging – thanked Rich for coming and speaking. We need help and imperative we get seats filled. The needs assessment will be put on the website this afternoon. Did a statewide survey as well and those findings will be in our report too. Trying to keep elderly folks’ home repairs done, yard work done, and fear of falling. Hosted a workshop with UC Davis and UCSF, we had 55 attend and it was well received. We will host another event on May 15 in Tuolumne County at the Resilience Center. We are in the early planning stages but will keep everyone informed and updated. Will be open to Calaveras residents. Will place two resource kiosks in the county, one in San Andreas and one at Angels Camp library. They are like large iPads and it is all touch screen and is filled with lots of resource information. Will have a printer so people can take home information. Common Ground Senior Services will not be seeking an extension regarding meal and home transportation. We would like to thank them for 24 years of service. We have started the request for the RFP process. We are hoping to bring it to BOS for approval in June and hope to have the new service provider in place by July 2024. Calaveras County provides the matching cash every year. In 2022/23 – County provided $100,802, we provided $564,000 worth of services to residents in Calaveras County. For every $1 the County gave us, the residents of Calaveras County received over $5 of services. This is a great investment of your dollars.
Public Comment – Please see the video and notes for additional comments.
Informational Item Only

21. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7739) 1) Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input for the closeout of the Community Development Block Grant contract 20-CDBG-12009 funded program; and 2) Authorize the Director of Health and Human Services Agency to approve, sign and submit the Closeout Certifications and any other necessary documents.

• Marcos Munoz – Assistant CAO – discussed the terms of contract, over 8,000 individuals were served.
Public Comment
• Tina Mather – the food bank is a thankful recipient of the CDB funds. 32,283 people have benefited from grant during its lifetime. Of all of our programs, 107,044 have benefitted during the same time frame, 2,736+ pounds of food. Hunger is a problem in our community. 81% increase in the number of people coming for our services from last January to this January.
Action Item – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Chair Garamendi requested items #22 through #27 be presented and done with one motion. BOS agreed.
• Teresa Hitchock – CEO – all amendments (items #22 through #26) are to clean up the county ordinance code from a CAO model to a CEO model.
Action Item (#22 through #27) – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

22. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7716) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Chapter 2.08 – County Counsel.

Public Comment • None

23. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7746) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Sections 2.64.365 – Appointment – Department Heads and 2.64.555 – Disciplinary Action – Department Heads and Principal Assistants.

Public Comment • None

24. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7741) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Section 2.40.030 – Planning Director.

Public Comment • None

25. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7742) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Section 12.28.040 – Airport Manager.

Public Comment • None

26. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7743) Introduce, waive first reading, and authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Sections 2.22.040 – Environmental Health Agency Head and 2.22.070 – Director of Environmental Health.

Public Comment • None

27. Action Item – Administrative Office (ID # 7745) Introduce, waive first reading, and
authorize summary publication of an ordinance amending County Code Section 6.06.010
– Director of Animal Services.

Public Comment • None

28. Ordinance – Planning (ID # 7754) 1) By a 4/5 vote, adopt Chapter 17.75 of the Zoning Code, an interim urgency ordinance to regulate the demolition and alteration of certain historic buildings and structures; 2) find the adoption of the ordinance to be within the scope of the 2019 General Plan Environmental Impact Report.

Gabriel Elliott – Planning Director – PowerPoint presentation presented. Please review video for detailed information.
• Interim Ordinance Regulating Historic Structures in the County.
•Purpose of the Ordinance – The General Plan calls for the preservation of the County’s historic resources. General Plan Implementation Measure COS-8G requires the County to develop a cultural resource management ordinance that includes the establishment of a County register of historic resources and requires a cultural resource study before demolition of buildings 75 years or older. General Plan Implementation Measure COS-8H requires the
use of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties (19920 as a guide for evaluating development proposals involving cultural resources.
Please view the video and notes for extensive additional information on the presentation and public comments.
Action Item – passed 4 – 0, 1 absent.

Supervisor Announcements

Supervisor Tofanelli – attended COG meeting. CalTrans said they were awarded $300M for charging stations in CA. I said since there are 58 counties, we would like 5 for our county. AT&T has sent letters out to people regarding landlines in Calaveras County, this puts a lot of elderly people at risk without a phone. Is the BOS interested in sending a letter to AT&T asking them not to do that? BOS agreed to send a letter to AT&T. Admin will put a letter together for BOS and ready for approval at the next meeting.
Supervisor Folendorf – attended COG meeting, and attended Calaveras Transit Authority (CTA) meeting.  Compared to last year our ridership is up 46.7% using Calaveras Connect, a huge increase, last year there were 12,641 riders, and 18,548 riders this year. One of the biggest increases is to Columbia College. Attended the ? Processor stakeholder meeting had approximately 40 people present. Good conversation.
Supervisor Huberty – 29th attended a meeting regarding homelessness; on the 31st attended a meeting regarding the crosswalk situation at Michelson school, on the 1st attended Agency on Aging, on the 5th attended Utica Town Hall, on the 7th Cal Trans meeting regarding upper Hwy 4 corridor.
Chair Garamendi – reminded BOS, I am part of an ad-hoc committee we are calling Williamson Act 2.0, reached out to staff and practitioners regarding their point of view regarding the law, hoping to present real legislative improvement to the act. Golden State Connect Authority continues to do its work. Sierra Nevada Conservancy has a meeting coming up to get some projects up in Calaveras County.
Teresa Hitchcock – CEO – met with Utica Power and Water regarding exemption, and requested a formal letter from BOS to consider. Supervisor Huberty – still has some work to do. Teresa Hitchcock – will meet with Supervisor Huberty to get the work and wording done.

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